Grace and Peace Doula

Serving pregnant, birthing, postpartum, and new mothers on the western slope of Colorado

What is a Doula?

The word "doula" comes from an ancient Greek word meaning "woman who serves." A doula is someone who serves, supports, encourages, educates, and assists a family in their journey to parenthood. Doula services usually focus on either birth or postpartum. 

A birth doula will be "on call" and available during the last month or weeks of pregnancy. When the day arrives she will provide continuous, focused, non-medical support for mom during labor and delivery as well as empower any additional support person (such as a partner) to support the laboring mother as well. A birth doula will also advocate for birth preferences (vaginal delivery, pain management methods, epidural use, number of personnel in the room, informed consent) with medical professionals. Additionally, a birth doula will fill in any other support roles that are needed (someone to park your car, carry bags, help watch a younger child, protect the labor space, start a diffuser, fill the birth tub, etc.). Unlike your midwife or obstetrician, the birth doula comes as soon as you would like during labor and stays by your side until baby arrives. Her focus is entirely on the family, specifically the birthing person, and she has training, experience, and wisdom specifically about labor and birth. 

A postpartum doula will serve the new family in scheduled, planned time periods during the first few weeks or months after baby has arrived. She will help the transition to parenthood go as smoothly as possible through providing encouragement, stress reduction, education, hands on help (such as light household chores and meals), as well as connecting the new family to any resources needed. A postpartum doula will help the new mother heal and recover from labor and delivery, prevent potential issues (such as postpartum depression) as best as possible, as well as provide support with feeding preferences (such as breastfeeding). A postpartum doula is also educated, trained, and experienced in the needs of a new family. 

"May God give you more and more grace and peace as you grow in your knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord." -2 Peter: 2